PolyGram Video Wiki

La Cenerentola is a UK VHS release by Castle Vision on 3rd April 1989.

Episode info


Opening (Original 1989 release)

  • Castle Vision Warning Screen
  • Castle Vision Ident (1987-1992)
  • The Castle Vision trailer from 1989 with clips of "TUGS", "The Raggy Dolls", "Tumbledown Farm", "Men of Our Time", "Falklands War: The Untold Story", "The Fugitive", "Harry's Game", "Human Legends: The Life and Death of Steve Biko & Mandela", "Hollywood Legends: Fred Astaire, Bette Davis & James Cagney", "La Boheme", "The Barber of Seville", "The Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker" and "Carmen". [announced by Emilio Delgado]
  • Cannon Ident
  • Cannon Warning Screen
  • Start of La Cenerentola (1983)

Closing (Original 1989 release)

Trailers and info

The Castle Vision trailer from 1989 with clips of "TUGS", "The Raggy Dolls", "Tumbledown Farm", "Men of Our Time", "Falklands War: The Untold Story", "The Fugitive", "Harry's Game", "Human Legends: The Life and Death of Steve Biko & Mandela", "Hollywood Legends: Fred Astaire, Bette Davis & James Cagney", "La Boheme", "The Barber of Seville", "The Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker" and "Carmen".
